Okay - so maybe it wasn't "extreme" reading, but it was WAAAY more reading than we were able to do in June. We also read really fantastic books this month. We finished Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and then read The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl. I actually really liked that book and it turned out to be one of my favorites that we've read by him. Then we moved on to Holes by Louis Sachar. This might have been the boys favorite book we have read so far. They were really in to it. It has some complicated plot lines that all converge in the end and I thought it might be a little bit too complicated for Simon to follow but I was wrong. He understood all of it and so did Ike. We watched the movie afterward and we talked about the differences we noticed between the movie and the book. Finally we finished the month with Little House in the Big Woods. I had actually read this to them a couple years ago but neither one could remember it.
So what's on the reading agenda for August? All 760 pages of ...
If we finish this book this month, it will be a miracle.