Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Money Saving Mom's 40 Days -- Days 1 & 2

I have decided to try to do the Money Saving Mom's 40 Days to a More Organized Home. Since it's only day 3 and I am having a little trouble with keeping going, I decided to blog about it also!

Day 1 had you come up with a morning routine. I pretty much already had this down but added in the load of laundry. Laundry is a considerable task around our house and I hate getting so far behind that I have 6 loads to do on Saturday morning.  My plan was to get 1 load in the washer and dryer each morning and fold it after work to just keep the giant piles down.  So here is my routine:

  1. Get up, shower.
  2. Have coffee, read work email.
  3. Start a load of laundry.
  4. Make lunches.
  5. Eat breakfast with the kids.
  6. Finish up any homework, practice spelling words and math facts.
  7. Put load of laundry into the dryer.
  8. Get dressed for work.
  9. Walk the kids to school.
  10. Go to work.
I did tidy the living room and vacuum it, for my 15 minute power clean of the living areas. I also got together a big bag of the kids' outgrown clothes to take to the consignment shop. WAY more than 7 items.

Day 2 had you make a list of goals 5-7 for this week.

  1. Catch up on my Weight Watchers etools stuff.
  2. Prep 2 weeks of lectures of math 213.
  3. Prep 111 internet class for first day.
  4. Chapter 1 of  Math 105 curriculum development.
  5. Do 3 piano lessons with the boys and practice yourself.
  6. Paint the downstairs bathroom door.
  7. Take the camper cushions to the upholsterer.
Yesterday I worked about an hour each on 213 and 105.  We have done a piano lesson and will do another this morning and I made an appointment with the upholsterer for Thursday morning so I am making good progress.  I went through the kids' books and picked out about 15 that were really beginning readers or too young for the boys. I also took a bag to Goodwill that I had packed up last week and donated our old outside light fixtures to Restore. I had actually power cleaned the refrigerator just last week so a quick tidy and that was done.  We actually keep our kitchen counter tops cleaned off pretty much all the time. But there is a small one next to the refrigerator that piles up with papers. I did go through all those.

In a completely unrelated side note, the boys are I are reading The Borrowers together. It started off REALLY slowly and I wasn't sure we were even going to like it. However, I am glad to say we stuck with it and it is starting to pick up.  Ike is reading Henry and Beezus and Simon is reading Danny and the Dinosaur.  I think neither of the boys is really challenged by either book. They can both go several pages before they come across a word they don't know, but it's spring break so oh well.

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