Saturday, April 5, 2014

Tub Results -- Amazing!

So I tried the bleach-soaked cotton balls on the boys' disgusting shower.  Keep in mind, this picture is after I had already tried scrubbing it with Comet:

 I left it sit for 4 hours while I did my morning work and when I pulled the cotton balls off it looked like this:


 Okay, it still is 100% perfectly shiny but it passes my standards for boys' bathrooms and we are definitely going to emphasize scrubbing out the shower to their list of bathroom cleaning duties.

On a side note, if you try this, be sure to ventilate the area REALLY, REALLY well. It was super strong fumes. I had the window open and the fan on. I generally try to avoid harsh cleaners and hopefully by keeping up on it better we can avoid having to do this in the future.

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